Thursday, July 30, 2009

Frankenstein Reborn

So I finally got my desktop computer up and running again, after a long-time hiatus in death-land. His graphics card crapped out... AGAIN. This is the third one I've had inside this particular computer and I believe it shall be the last. I'm going to transfer all the music, pictures and other random junk off here, onto my new laptop, clean it off a bit and then give it to my girlfriend Ashley, whose computer has died even harder than Frank did. Frank's the name of my computer, in case you didn't know. I put him together from random parts I got from with the help of my old buddy Chris. I've had to replace a few parts here and there over the years, but for the most part, he was still going strong. Just going off to basic training, then tech school really threw a wrench in getting him up and running this last time. But I finally did it, despite numerous setbacks and dead-ends. Anyways, I wanted to brag on myself a little bit. Tomorrow is Friday, good thing, I'm ready for the weekend, Billy and Amanda are coming to New Orleans and I'm meeting up with them for a big weekend of fun and festivities. Should be nice. Of course, the only thing missing will be Ashley. Dang... Miss that girl. Well, goodnight internet!

1 comment:

the ghost overground said...

My favorite tech guy at work just gave me a new computer with all these new's pretty exciting. Not as cool as having a comp named Frank though.