Sunday, June 14, 2009


Just when you thought things were crappy, there's always someone else out there who has it worse. So there's this website,, which stands for "f*ck my life", where people share stories of unfortunate events that happen to them, followed by "fml". Some are funny, some are really unfortunate, and some are both. Then there's this one.

Today, I came home from work late (2:30am). As I snuck carefully into bed and laid down next to my sleeping future wife, my fiancee half awake said "No, no... Dan will be home soon." I am Dan. FML

I had to read that one twice to fully appreciate the true misfortune of Dan, but damn that sucks. Sorry Dan, but you make me feel like things in my world are pretty peachy. Best of luck to ya.


Ok, this one's even better, less unfortunate, way more funny.

Today, I was at a club with my girlfriend of only two weeks. As we were dancing, another woman grabbed my ass from behind me and squeezed. I yelped and turned around to see my mother as the culprit. My girlfriend punched her. I found out my mother is a Cougar and my girl has a mean right hook. FML

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