Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy (belated) New Year!

Ok so I suck at updating this thing. Sorry. But all I've got at home is dial-up so excuse me if I don't have the patience to sit there and watch paint peel, aka the page load. But now I do have my spiffy iPod touch with wifi so that is how I am currently blogging this entry. Via my iPod. I know, I'm bragging but I love gizmos and it seems like I'm never on the front edge of the new technology, but this time I am so booyah!

So I am not really rocking the gym membership like I should be doing, but it's all microsofts fault. They made the sexy xbox 360 and then someone made the game fallout 3 and that is the reason I have been planted in front of the tv almost continuously for the past 48 hours. Very little sleep, very little socialization. It's so damn addictive! "Just one more mission," I say. Well that turns into three or four and then suddenly five hours disappear and my stomach is complaining at me. I shut it up with a couple fistfuls of wheat thins and finish unloading a clip into another super mutant. Damn those things are annoying. The mutants, that is. Anyways, enough about that.

I believe this is one of the weirdest times in my life. Since that fateful day in 1990 when I walked into A. L. Day Elementary and met Mrs. Elroy, my kindergarten teacher, I have been a student in public education almost non-stop, minus summer and Christmas breaks, of course. But now, I have graduated college (finally!) and my title of student is now N/A; not applicable. So what am I now, I ask myself. A grown up? Well, a grown up would have his own place and a good paying job. I am living at home with the 'rents, currently, and while I do head to San Antonio on February 4th to begin my career of unforseeable length with the US air force, until then I have no real responsibilities, no objectives or purpose. Now while that sounds like vacation and carefree funtime, it is, as I have said, a little weird. No assignment to work on, no deadline looming or a test I should be cramming for. Well, ok not entirely true, I do need to take the ASVAB, and finish my last two stinkin thank you notes and close my old bank account. But really those are just kind of remnants of the old chapter and a little minor preparation for the one to come. I mean when I took the asvab in high school, I scored in the 95th percentile or something. Hopefully I haven't gotten dumber since then.

Which leads me to another topic which is a little sour but there is not much I can do about. Since I wasn't able to graduate on time, I wasn't able to commission into the AF as an officer and will have to fulfill my committmenr as an enlisted man. Now while I am glad that I still have the opportunity to join the air force and even eventually go to officers school if I want, i'm still a little less than thrilled at being ridiculously over-qualified for my job. I was in marching band in high school, I was in the A&M corps of cadets for four years, AF ROTC for four years and I completed AF field training. I know how to march, I know military discipline, I know leadership. So now I'm being thrown in with a bunch of 18-19 year old highschool graduates who know none of that and are probably going to try my every nerve. So yeah, I'm a little less than psyched. However, that's not to say that I'm not looking forward to testing myself, serving my country, learning new skills, meeting new people, traveling, and getting paid for it. Not to mention maybe getting a masters degree paid for and then all the benefits of being a veteran after it's all said and done.

Well, after that little thought-dump I am feeling a little tired, so that concludes this post. Thanks for chillin' with me. Wish me luck, I'm gonna try to beat fallout tomorrow. Night!


the ghost overground said...

my Dad might be able to help could send him an e-mail if you would like?

the ghost overground said...

not a big wig necessarily, but he might be able to give you a recommendation or something...