Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hello 2015; let's make some changes

Alright, so here we are. A new year. As they say, time marches on.

So I know it's been a long time since I've updated this thing. I'm pretty sporadic in general when it comes to updating journal-type-things or even corresponding with family and friends. One of my many defects. However, I don't know what it is but it seems like when I document things by writing them down I have an easier time remembering details. Or at least I hope it will help. If I write down things that happen, I can at least go back and read about it instead of just grasp at incomplete memories and then give up. Anybody else have this problem, or am I just getting old?

Anyways, the website blog called The Art of Manliness (which is a good site to visit) has for sale these journals that are inspired by a journal that Benjamin Franklin supposedly kept in which every morning he'd write down some good deed he planned to do that day or some positive effect he wanted to have on the world. Then, every night he'd write down if he feels like he accomplished what he set out to do. I didn't buy one because of my historical inability to EVER fill up a journal book, but I thought it was a good idea to both make plans and goals for my life and to document the events of the day. I don't really think I'll stick to a twice-daily journal routine, but if I just planned the next day's goals the night before, I think I can knock them both out in one sitting. I realize I'm writing this one in the morning, but it's Sunday so get off my back.

What would a New Year's blog post be without spouting off some resolutions? Here goes:

  • Run a muddy obstacle course (Tough Mudder, Spartan Race, etc)
    • Ever since they came out, I've wanted to run one of these, but I never felt like I was in the right physical condition to complete the course without collapsing at the finish line or worse, not being able to finish the course. I want to be able to finish it and be ready for a photo shoot afterwards! So, with this goal in mind, I will develop a training regimen and get back into my warrior shape so that I can help myself feel better, look better and live better by having physical endurance, flexibility and strength. I've even started guilting some friends into doing it with me for that extra accountability factor. :)
  • Donate blood as much as possible
    • So with this one, in the past, I was ignorant to the true need to donate blood, but my eyes were opened while Ashley and I were in the hospital and she needed a blood transfusion one day but we literally had to wait until someone with her blood type donated blood and they could get that blood to us. I was blown away at the time. I thought that there were just these giant walk-in coolers of blood somewhere just like the freezer section in a grocery store and you just pluck out the ones you needed whenever you wanted. Wrong. The blood comes from people like you and me who just sit in a chair for 45 minutes, eat a cookie, drink some juice and then that LIFE-SAVING blood is whisked quickly away and then gets tubed into some very needy patient who would probably die if they didn't get it soon. So when you see a blood drive sign or the donation buses lined up in some parking lot, don't think "I don't have time to donate" just visualize someone you love who needs a transfusion sitting in a hospital bed, having to wait for a kind and generous individual such as yourself to take a fraction of their day to give the gift of life. So that's why I'm going to donate as much as I can this year and hereafter.
  • Begin investing; start making finances a priority
    • I didn't really know what to title this, perhaps just "Money" would've worked, but the spirit of this resolution is that I want to manage my money more effectively this year and start really controlling where it goes and how it gets there. For a long time I've just put bills on auto-pay and then paid just enough attention to make sure that the balance doesn't get too close to zero before the next payday. I want more than that now. I want to use a little self-control and start putting away much of the money I just spend because I honestly don't know how much I've spent on entertaining but unnecessary things. If I consciously track it, I'll see how I can cut back and use that money to save up for big things I dream of owning one day: a gun collection, a boat, a Jacuzzi, a sweet car, and one day, start my own business or pool my money and start a business with my friends.
Anyways, those are the big three that pop into my mind. Before this post drags on anymore, I don't really expect anyone to read this because I'm mostly writing it for my own personal accountability and documentation, but if you read it and like it feel free to comment. Have a good one!