Thursday, July 30, 2009

Frankenstein Reborn

So I finally got my desktop computer up and running again, after a long-time hiatus in death-land. His graphics card crapped out... AGAIN. This is the third one I've had inside this particular computer and I believe it shall be the last. I'm going to transfer all the music, pictures and other random junk off here, onto my new laptop, clean it off a bit and then give it to my girlfriend Ashley, whose computer has died even harder than Frank did. Frank's the name of my computer, in case you didn't know. I put him together from random parts I got from with the help of my old buddy Chris. I've had to replace a few parts here and there over the years, but for the most part, he was still going strong. Just going off to basic training, then tech school really threw a wrench in getting him up and running this last time. But I finally did it, despite numerous setbacks and dead-ends. Anyways, I wanted to brag on myself a little bit. Tomorrow is Friday, good thing, I'm ready for the weekend, Billy and Amanda are coming to New Orleans and I'm meeting up with them for a big weekend of fun and festivities. Should be nice. Of course, the only thing missing will be Ashley. Dang... Miss that girl. Well, goodnight internet!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Strange feeling

So I know that most will think this is stupid and pointless, but I just need to get it out. I just finished playing Grand Theft Auto 4, the video game, on my laptop, and the ending to the story... just saddened me. There are two endings, really, and I played them both. You can either get revenge on your enemy, or you can choose to work with him and get a lot of money. Well, in the end, you kill him either way, but in both endings you lose someone you love, well, Niko loved. Niko is the main character. So in one scenario, he loses his love interest Kate, and in the other he loses his cousin and best friend Roman. What the hell, Rockstar? All that work, all that investment in the story of this sad but strong character and he doesn't even get a remotely happy ending? I felt for this dude! Is that so strange? His story is that he's a Serbian who fought in the Yugoslav War and was ordered to commit atrocities, was betrayed by his "friends" and fled to America to get away from a former employer who believed owed him money. So he comes to America to find the men who betrayed him and earn some money to get the old boss off his back and help his cousin out financially. Well, of course since it's GTA you drive and shoot and steal and all that stuff, but I mean the character is an ex-soldier who has seen awful, terrible stuff and has grown jaded and cynical and believes himself to be un-redeemable. So he does what he can to make money. But after he has settled his debts, helped out his cousin, gotten closure with those who betrayed him and given up the life of a gangster, he loses someone he loves dearly, either his blossoming love or his dear cousin. Garbage! So I realize this is ridiculous, but imagine your favorite book with your favorite character who you have stuck through thick and thin with the whole novel and right at the end, when the hero has saved the day, something wicked comes in and smites him. And then the book ends. How does that feel? Crappy. That is right. I guess it's one of those Goodfellas type things. Just showing you that a life of crime only leads to heartache. Well, it lead to this heart's ache. :(